Welcome to the Kind Minds Podcast
Hello, I’m Tara Cousineau. This series is an invitation for you to cultivate kindfulness, which is being aware of the present moment with heart. This is where I share brief practices to grow a kind mind, cultivate an open heart, and befriend the inner critic. So consider this a weekly dose of kindfulness, or “a compassion break” for yourself to bring into your daily life.
Get P.E.P.P.I.E.
There are 6 ingredients to break out of a S.P.E.L. of stress and overwhelm. I’ll be sharing just how to get P.E.P.P.I.E. so you can experience more ease, kindness and joy in your life. You can check out the P.E.P.P.I.E. infographic to learn more.
The podcast is inspired by The Little Deck of Kindfulness. Interested in having a set? Order while supplies last (in continental US for shipping).
Let Your Voice Be Heard

I’d love to hear from you. Email me a 30 second voice memo about one kind thing you did for yourself or someone else recently and how it made you feel. It might appear in a future episode. Email: info@kindminds.co
EPISODES: Season 1

Episode 16: Setting Boundaries
Sometimes the kindest thing you can do is set a clear personal boundary. Self-kindness requires courage, trust, and faith. Emotion Regulation. Show Notes No 16.

Episode 15: Empathy is Tricky
Empathy can can hurt and heal. Learn the difference. Emotion Regulation. Show Notes No. 15

Episode 14: Self-Compassion is Soul-Care
Self-compassion is a skill as much as it is an inner resource. Learn to befriend yourself. Emotion Regulation. Show Notes No. 14

Episode 13: Be a Friend to Yourself
Self-compassion is caring for yourself with the same attention you give to someone you love. Emotional Regulation. Show Notes No. 13

Episode 12: Your Body is a Wise Messenger
Signs of stress are physiological signals to address with curiosity and care. Learn to ride the emotional waves. Ingredient: Emotion Regulation. Show notes No. 12

Episode 11: Push the Reset Button
While we wired for stress, we also wired to relax. What can you cultivate in your life to feel more at ease? Ingredient: Emotion Regulation. Show notes No. 11

Episode 10: Take Baby Steps
You can recruit your body’s natural ability to soothe with some slow deep breaths, gentle sounds, or touch. Ingredient: Emotion Regulation. Show notes No. 10

Episode 9: Find Emotional Balance
Episode 9 begins an 8-part series on Emotion Regulation, another key inner strength in cultivating resilience and is the ability to manage the whole range of human emotions. Ingredient: Emotion Regulation. Show notes No. 9

Episode 8: Count Your Blessings
There’s a reason to stop and smell the roses. Pay attention to the details so you don’t miss out on the ordinary delights in your world. Ingredient: Presence. Show notes No. 8

Episode 7: Create Upward Spirals
Don’t dismiss the platitudes. Kind acts are indeed infectious. They spread good will like a happy virus. What can you spark today? Ingredient: Presence. Show notes No. 7

Episode 6: Tuck Yourself in with Loving-kindness
If we don’t include ourselves in cultivating compassion, we skip over the one who needs our enduring love. Self-kindness matters, too. Ingredient: Presence. Show notes No. 6

Episode 5: Loving-kindness Expands Connection
See how a loving-kindness practice can expand connection to others, even toward those you may find difficult. Ingredient: Presence. Show notes No. 5

Episode 4: Begin to Rekindle Kindness with Others
Finding connection with others can be challenging. It helps to remember the kind moments and keep the goodwill alive. Ingredient: Presence. Show notes No. 4

Episode 3: Kindness is Your Natural State
We are wired to care. It’s in our DNA. But it may not seem like the world is a very kind place. Like anything, we all need to practice. Ingredient: Presence. Show notes No. 3

Episode 2: What is Kindfulness?
Waking up to loving awareness is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself and for others. It begins by taking a sacred pause. Ingredient: Presence. Show notes No. 2

Episode 1: Love in Action
In the first episode of Kind Minds, we begin with ways to actively engage in the world with more ease and kindness. Ingredient: Presence. Show notes No.1